Growth By Curiosity is a community with a social platform to entertain, connect, and be curious.

Our Community

Growth By Curiosity is a community of people that like to spark curiosity into their lives. Meet new people, share your thoughts, engage with other people’s posts, or be entertained by others.

Our Social Platform

Growth By Curiosity is also a social platform for following or meeting people based on interests or location. It also houses many different Spaces (our word for communities). If you are interested in particular topics, you can join that community and engage with more people with the same interest.


Spaces are small communities on our platform that are focussed on specific subjects. You can explore content or engage with the community, like asking a question.

Spaces available at launch


Every Space has its own subject and newsfeed. But every Space also has specific topics that are related to the central theme of the Space. Those topics have their own newsfeed.

You can follow specific topics so, they appear in your personalized newsfeed.

Personalized Newsfeed

Depending on the people and Spaces you follow including the topics within those Spaces you follow, you will find your personalized feed here.

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Curated Content

Featured and curated content is carefully selected by Growth By Curiosity Staff. It includes 3 daily bitesized topics, and featured content from the platform. It is the best place to stay curious.

Find Connection

Meet new people through interests or your location and follow them to stay up to date on their activity or start a conversation.

Star Star Star Star Star

It is like Facebook. Only this platform has exciting and novel information and people that have nothing to prove. It is quite refreshing.

Finn Hofman
Beta User

Spark Curiosity In Your Life

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